Editorial Policy
Aims and Scope
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (APH) is a multidisciplinary international peer reviewed journal of applied sciences publishing high-quality articles in min. 6 issues per year. The journal aims to provide an international forum for the publication of original, novel fundamental research and applications-based investigation topics, interpretative reviews and discussion of new developments in engineering sciences as listed below:
• Mechanical Engineering
• Electrical Engineering
• Informatics
Reports of carefully executed experimental work are also welcome. The overall focus is on original and rigorous research results which have generic significance.
Within APH, the Mechanical Engineering track presents papers dealing with topics in Materials Science and Technologies, Manufacturing Engineering, Machinery and Modeling, Design in Mechanical Engineering, Actuators and Sensors, Intelligent Control, Robotics, and Automotive Systems.
Within APH, the Electrical Engineering track presents papers including Power Systems and Renewable Energy, Power Conversion and Automation, Microelectronic Technology, and Mobile Communication.
Within APH, the Informatics track presents papers dealing with different aspects of Embedded Systems, Software Engineering, and Control Engineering.
The journal has a free electronic version (http://www.uni-obuda.hu/journal).
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica has been selected for coverage in Thomson Reuters products and custom information services. Beginning with V. 5 (1) 2008, this publication is indexed and abstracted in the following:
• Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®)
• Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
In the future Acta Polytechnica Hungarica may be evaluated and included in additional Thomson Reuters products and information services to meet the needs of the scientific and scholarly research community.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica has been accepted for coverage in selected Elsevier product(s) starting with 2009 material. Elsevier intends to index and extract data from the full text article and integrate such data in these product(s). Coverage in Elsevier products increases dissemination of authors’ work via linking technologies which drive additional traffic to individual articles, promoting journal brand awareness. The benefits are high visibility to a global audience, fast online dissemination of content and increased exposure and profile for authors and editors.
In 2010 Acta Polytechnica Hungarica was added to Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) which provides many benefits:
• Journals with the content in PDF format will be included in long term preservation project.
• Statistics show more than 6 millions successful requests a month for DOAJ site from all over the world.
• Many web crawlers are fetching the content of DOAJ to be a part of their search engines.
• DOAJ is OAI compliant.
• Once the article is available in DOAJ, it becomes automatically OAI harvestable.
• Many aggregators and database providers are regularly harvesting DOAJ content in order to include it to their commercial databases.
All that leads to increased visibility and usage of OA journals.
The manuscripts with high standards of scientific quality are published in APH. This is ensured by subjecting each paper to a strict assessment procedure by members of the International Advisory Board. The objective is firmly to establish that papers submitted do meet the requirements.
The review is based on the justification of the technical and quality criteria. If one of the basic technical criteria is not fulfilled the paper should be rejected.
Technical criteria
• The manuscript should fulfill the format requirements
• The manuscript should fulfill the IEEE plagiarism requirements
• The paper should be well and clearly written (American English is only part of this requirement)
• The manuscript should be within the scope of APH
• It is favorable if there are papers published in APH on a similar subject
• The title should be interesting and adequate
• The references should be up-to-date
Quality criteria
• The manuscript should be up-to-date
• The manuscript should be understandable (easy to follow)
• There should be new results in the manuscript (except review papers)
• The authors should be acquainted with recently published journal papers
• The manuscript should have a potential to stimulate further research
The editors have the right to reject any manuscripts without justification if it does not fit into the policy of APH.
Submission of Papers
Please, submit your paper of min 12 and max 20 pages through an electronic paper submission system. The papers in MSWORD (doc, docx) or in Portable Document Format (pdf) are accepted. The camera ready manuscript should contain the following items: informative title for the paper, author's name, address and e-mail, abstract of 100 to 250 words at the head of the manuscript, 3-5 keywords, text, acknowledgment of financial or advisory support may be given, appropriate conclusion, and up to date references. References should appear in alphabetical order. References in the text should be denoted by numbers in square brackets, e.g. [10]. References should be complete, in the following style:
• Papers: Author(s) initials followed by last name for each author, paper title, publication name, volume, inclusive page numbers, month and year.
• Books: Author(s), title, publisher, location, year, chapter or page numbers (if desired).
Type or mark mathematical expressions exactly as they should appear in print. Journal style of letter symbols is as follows: variables, italic type (indicated by underline); constants, roman text type; matrices and vectors, boldface type (indicated by wavy underline). In word-processor manuscripts, use appropriate typeface. It will be assumed that letters in displaying equations are to be set in italic type unless you mark them otherwise. All letter symbols in text discussion must be marked if they should be italic or boldface. Indicate best breaks for equations in case they will not fit on one line. Each figure should be inserted in the text and numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Number each table consecutively using Arabic numerals. Please label any material that can be typeset as a table, reserving the term "figure" for material that has been drawn. Type a brief title above each table. For the paper format use, please visit the website of the journal mentioned above. Authors are encouraged to submit high quality, original work that has neither appeared in, nor is under consideration by, other journals.
Authors can find the paper format here.
Review Process
Submitted papers are reviewed by national and foreign referees. The refereeing is done by anonymous reviewers.
Phases of the process:
• Format requirements checking
• Plagiarism checking
• English language pre-review
• Blind peer review
• English proofreading
Dr. Imre J. Rudas | | |
full professor | | |
Editor-in-Chief | | |