Volume 4
Issue Number 2
In this issue
The Modular Robots Kinematics
Claudiu Pozna
Identification of Energy Distribution for Crash Deformational Processes of Road Vehicles
István Harmati, Péter Várlaki
High-Frequency Soft-Switching DC-DC Converters for Voltage and Current DC Power Sources
Jaroslav Dudrik, Juraj Oetter
Improvement of the Power Transmission of Distributed Feeders by Fixed Capacitor Banks
Abdellatif Hamouda, Khaled Zehar
Investigation of the Possibilities for Interdisciplinary Co-operation by the Use of Knowledge-based System
Ágnes Szeghegyi, Ulrich H. Langanke
Notes on the Components for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Ladislav Samuelis
Microgeometry Tests of ’Contradictory’ Surfaces with Various Evaluation Techniques
Gábor Fekete, Sándor Horváth, Árpád Czifra
The Analysis of the Principal Eigenvector of Pairwise Comparison Matrices
András Farkas
Behaviour of RHEED Oscillation during LT-GaAs Growth
Ákos Nemcsics
Performance Enhancement of Air-cooled Condenser
M. M. Awad, H. M. Mostafa, G. I. Sultan, A. Elbooz, A. M. K. El-ghonemy
Two-Phase Heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
Sándor Csiszár
Resource-oriented Programming Based on Linear Logic
Valerie Novitzká, Daniel Mihályi