Volume 17
Issue Number 8
Special Issue on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT)
Guest Editors: Nafisa Yusupova and György Kovács
In this issue
Nafisa Yusupova and György Kovács
DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.1
Model-based Stochastic Error Propagation Analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems
Tagir Fabarisov, Nafisa Yusupova, Kai Ding, Andrey Morozov, Klaus Janschek
DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.2
JSON Documents Processing Using Situation-Oriented Databases
Valeriy Mironov, Artem Gusarenko, Nafisa Yusupova, Yuriy Smetanin
DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.3
Formal Method of Structural-Logical Identification of Functional Model of Subject Area Polycubic Data Matrix
Gennady Kulikov, Vyacheslav Antonov, Almira Fahrullina, Ludmila Rodionova, Ansaf Abdulnagimov, Maria Shilina
DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.4
Identification of Critical Objects in Reliance on Cyber Threats in the Energy Sector
Aleksei Massel and Daria Gaskova
DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.5
Complex Analysis of Medical Data with Data Mining Usage
Nafisa Yusupova, Gyuzel Shakhmametova, Rustem Zulkarneev
DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.6
The New Combined Method of the Generation of a 3d Dense Map of Evironment based on History of Camera Positions and the Robot's Movements
Aleksander Vokhmintcev, Michail Timchenko
DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.7
Analysis of the GRID’s Basic Topological Structure Reliability
Vladimir E. Gvozdev, Lilia R. Chernyakhovskaya, Darya V. Blinova, Dinara R. Akhmetova
DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.8
Energy-Efficient Technologies in the Educational Programs of the Architectural Higher Education Schools
Galina B. Zakharova, Alexandr I. Krivonogov, Sergey V. Kruglikov, Alexandr A. Petunin
DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.9
Design of Multi-Level Intelligent Control Systems for Complex Technical Objects on the Basis of Theoretical-Information Approach
Bary Ilyasov, Vladimir Vasilyev, Sagit Valeev
DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.10
Architecture of the Security Access System for Information on the State of the Automatic Control Systems of Aircraft
Arkady Isaakovich Frid, Alexey Mikhailovich Vulfin, Victoria Viktorovna Berholz, Dmitry Yurievich Zakharov, Konstantin Valerievich Mironov
DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.11
Routing in CNC Cutting Machines: Engineering Constraints
Alexander A. Petunin, Pavel A. Chentsov
DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.12
An Effective Scheduling Method in the Cloud System of Collective Access, for Virtual Working Environments
Leonid V. Legashev, Irina P. Bolodurina
DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.13