Volume 5
Issue Number 1
Issue on Intelligent Systems and Informatics
Guest Editors:
Imre J. Rudas and Endre Pap
In this issue
Intelligent Autonomous Primary 3D Feature Extraction in Vehicle System Dynamics' Analysis: Theory and Application
Annamária R. Várkonyi-Kóczy
Pseudo-Analysis Approach to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Endre Pap
A Recursive Solution Concept for Multichoice Games
Fabien Lange, Michel Grabisch
Priority, Weight and Threshold in Fuzzy SQL Systems
Aleksandar Takaci, Srdjan Škrbic
Autonomous Hexapod Walker Robot “Szabad(ka)”
Ervin Burkus, Peter Odry
Orders in Semirings of Transition Bistochastic Matrices Induced by Mobility Measure of Social Sciences
Branka Nikolic, Endre Pap
An Application of the Interpretation Method in the Axiomatization of the Lukasiewicz Logic and the Product Logic
Aleksandar Perovic, Maja Jovanovic, Aleksandar Jovanovic
An Axiomatizatin of Qualitative Probability
Zoran Ognjanovic, Aleksandar Perovic, Miodrag Raškovic
Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and SSAD as a Possible Application
Márta Takács
Entropy and Gaussianity - Measures of Deterministic Dynamics of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Signals of Rats
Tatjana Loncar-Turukalo, Sonja Milosavljevic, Olivera Sarenac, Nina Japundzic-Zigon, Dragana Bajic
Heart Rate Analysis and Telemedicine: New Concepts & Maths
Sándor Khoór, István Kecskés, Ilona Kovács, Dániel Verner, Arnold Remete, Péter Jankovich, Rudolf Bartus, Nándor Stanko, Norbert Schramm, Michael Domijan, Erika Domijan