Volume 20
Issue Number 6
In this issue
Study of the Mechanical Characteristics of Sandwich Structures FDM 3D-printed
Rawabe Fatima Faidallah, Muammel M. Hanon, Zoltán Szakál, István Oldal
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.1
Computer Vision-based Fire Detection using Enhanced Chromatic Segmentation and Optical Flow Model
Daniyar Kaliyev, Olga Shvets, György Györök
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.2
Detecting the Absence of Lung Sliding in Ultrasound Videos Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
Michal Kolárik, Martin Sarnovský, Ján Paralič
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.3
Optimal Fuzzy Controller, using a Genetic Algorithm for a Ball on Wheel System
Péter Menich, József Kopják
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.4
Petri Net-based S3PR Models of Automated Manufacturing Systems with Resources and Their Deadlock Prevention
František Čapkovič
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.5
Method and System for Measuring the Cutting Torque and Feed Force used for Hole Processing
Sándor Ravai-Nagy
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.6
An Approximate Model for Determining the Resistance of a Hemispherical Ground Electrode Placed on a Non-homogeneous Truncated Cone
Dragan Vuckovic, Dejan Jovanovic, Nenad Cvetkovic, Dragan Tasic, Karolina Kasas-Lazetic
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.7
Controlling the Spindle Speed when Milling Free-Form Surfaces using Ball-End Milling Cutter
Abdulwahab Mgherony, Balázs Mikó
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.8
Information Basis of Digital Twins: A Quantifiable Metric for Spatio-Temporal Expressivity
Norbert Szántó, Ádám Csapó, Ildikó Horváth
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.9
A Novel Approach of Operation Sequencing Problem in Computer Aided Process Planning
Béla Illés, Imre Piller, Sándor Radeleczki, Tibor Tóth, György Wagner
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.10
On the Use of Quaternions, in the Translated Reference Frame Formalism
Claudiu Pozna, Radu-Emil Precup
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.11
Quality Improvement in Education, based on Student Feedback
Gabriella Farkas, Erzsébet Ancza, Georgina Nóra Tóth
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.12
Fighting Insider Threats, with Zero-Trust in Microservice-based, Smart Grid OT Systems
Marina Stanojevic, Darko Capko, Imre Lendak, Sebastijan Stoja, Bojan Jelacic
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.13
Pneumatic Piston Control Modelling and Optimization
Tamás Szakács
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.6.2023.6.14