Volume 20
Issue Number 7
In this issue
Development of a Viscosity Model and an Application, for the Filling Process Calculation in Visco-Dampers
Márk Venczel, Árpád Veress, Zoltán Peredy
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.1
Cybersecurity Attack Detection Model, Using Machine Learning Techniques
Isa Avci and Murat Koca
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.2
Pilot Signal Removal, Digital Signal Processing Algorithm and it’s Practical Implementation
Tibor Wührl
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.3
A Simulation System for Testing Side Crashes, in Non-Traditional Seating Positions, for Self-Driving Cars
Laszlo Porkolab, Istvan Lakatos
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.4
Energy Losses during Intestine Deformation – A New Method of Robot Propulsion?
Łukasz Frącczak, Paweł Żak, Michał Starosta
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.5
Mathematical Description of the Universal IDM - some Comments and Application
Tamás Péter, András Háry, Ferenc Szauter, Krisztián Szabó, Tibor Vadvári, István Lakatos
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.6
Operations Research in Online Environment Using ICT in Higher Technical Education
Henrieta Hrablik Chovanová, Helena Fidlerová, Dagmar Babčanová, Daniel Banáš
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.7
Providing Guaranteed Performances for an Enhanced Cruise Control Using Robust LPV Method
Balázs Németh
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.8
Analyzing Narratives of Patient Experiences: A BERT Topic Modeling Approach
Mátyás Osváth, Zijian Győző Yang, Karolina Kósa
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.9
Characteristics of Crisis Management Measures in the HR Area during the Pandemic in Hungary – Literature Review and Methodology
Krisztina Dajnoki, András István Kun, József Poór, Ákos Jarjabka, Botond Géza Kálmán, Zsolt Sándor Kőmüves, Beáta Pató Szűcs, Katalin Szabó, Szilvia Szabó, Zsuzsanna Szeiner, Arnold Tóth, Imola Csehné Papp
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.10
Characteristics of Crisis Management Measures in the HR Area During the Pandemic in Hungary – Results of a Countrywide Survey of Organizations
Krisztina Dajnoki, József Poór, Ákos Jarjabka, Botond Kálmán, Zsolt Sándor Kőmüves, Beáta Pató Szűcs, Katalin Szabó, Szilvia Szabó, Zsuzsanna Szeiner, Arnold Tóth, Imola Csehné Papp, András István Kun
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.11
Water 4.0 in Hungary: Prospects and Cybersecurity Concerns
Tamás Szádeczky
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.12
Analysis of the Soil Selective Potassium Content, using Multifrequency EC Sensors
János Horváth, László Kátai, István Szabó
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.13
Modular Type of Learning Management System Services Formation based on Semantic Proximity
Saule Kumargazhanova, Yevgeniy Fedkin, Saule Smailova, Natalya Denissova, Saule Rakhmetullina, Yelena Blinayeva, György Györök
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.14
Design of Dynamically Balanced Gait for the Biped Robot While Crossing the Ditch
Moh Shahid Khan, Ravi Kumar Mandava
DOI: 10.12700/APH.20.7.2023.7.15