Volume 6
Issue Number 1
Issue on Intelligent Systems and Informatics
Editors: Endre Pap and Imre J. Rudas
In this issue
Copulas: an Approach How to Model the Dependence Structure of Random Vectors
Radko Mesiar, Magda Komorníková
Robust Fixed Point Transformations in Adaptive Control Using Local Basin of Attraction
József K. Tar, János F. Bitó, László Nádai, José A. Tenreiro Machado
Why Should Robots in Unstructured Environments Perform a Dynamically Balanced Regular Gait?
Miomir Vukobratovic, Branislav Borovac
Design of Tactile Measuring Probes for Coordinate Measuring Machines
Gyula Hermann, Csongor Sántha
Monograph: Aggregation Functions
Michel Grabisch, Jean-Luc Marichal, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap
Investigation of Electrochemically Etched GaAs (001) Surface with the Help of Image Processing
Ákos Nemcsics, Miklós Schuszter, László Dobos, Péter Turmezei
Pathfinding Based on Edge Detection and Infrared Distance Measuring Sensor
Bojan Kuljic, János Simon, Tibor Szakáll
Super-Resolution for Traditional and Omnidirectional Image Sequences
Attila Nagy, Zoltán Vámossy
Maximum Power Search in Wind Turbine Based on Fuzzy Logic Control
Evgenije Adzic, Zoran Ivanovic, Milan Adzic, Vladimir Katic
Combinatorics at Electronic Circuit Realization in FPAA
György Györök, Margit Makó, József Lakner
Asymmetric general Choquet integrals
Biljana Mihailovic, Endre Pap
A New Approach of Face Detection-based Classification of Image Databases
Szabolcs Sergyán
Towards the Formalization of Fuzzy Relational Database Queries
Aleksandar Perovic, Aleksandar Takaci, Srdjan Skrbic