Volume 7
Issue Number
In this issue
Position Identification of Moving Agents in Networks
Anna Cerná, Jan Cerný
Developing Stability Control Theories for Agricultural Transport Systems
Tamás Szakács
The Numerical Modeling of Transient Regimes of Diesel Generator Sets
Tiberiu Tudorache, Cristian Roman
Proposed Methods to Increase the Output Efficiency of a Photovoltaic (PV) System
Fatima Zohra Zerhouni, M’hamed Houari Zerhouni, Mansour
Zegrar, M. Tarik Benmessaoud, Amine Boudghene Stambouli, Abdelhamid
A Coalgebra as an Intrusion Detection System
Daniel Mihályi, Valerie Novitzká
Swarm Behavior of the Electromagnetics Community as regards Using Swarm Intelligence in their Research Studies
Asim Egemen Yilmaz
Skewness and Kurtosis in Function of Selection of Network Traffic Distribution
Petar Cisar, Sanja Maravic Cisar
The Impacts of Natural Disasters on Power Systems: Anatomy of the Marmara Earthquake Blackout
Bülent Oral, Ferdun Dönmez
Liquefaction Resistance of Chlef River Silty Sand: Effect of Low Plastic Fines and other Parameters
Mostefa Belkhatir, Ahmed Arab, Noureddine Della, Hanifi Missoum, Tom Schanz
Improving Baggage Tracking, Security and Customer Services with RFID in the Airline Industry
Deepti Mishra, Alok Mishra
Could You Check This, Please? Experiences in a Bilingual Environment
Lívia Szedmina