Volume 8
Issue Number 2
In this issue
Encoding Named Channels Communication by Behavioral Schemes
Martin Tomášek
Surface Roughness Prediction in Machining Castamide Material Using ANN
Şeref Aykut
The Treatment of the Surfaces of Mg-Al-Zn-Mn and Ti-Al-Zr-Nb Alloys by Shot Peening
Peter Mrva, Daniel Kottfer
A Legal Business Information System: Implementation Process Context
Alok Mishra, Deepti Mishra
A WSMO-based Framework Enabling Semantic Interoperability in e-Government Solutions
Karol Furdík, Martin Tomášek, Ján Hreno
On the Support of the Resultant Vector of d’Alembert’s Fictitious Forces for Bars and Plates in Rotation Motion
Mihail Boiangiu, Adina Boiangiu
Modeling and the Use of Simulation Methods for the Design of Lighting Systems
Miroslav Badida, Ružena Králiková, Ervin Lumnitzer
The Fight against Income Evasion in Hungary
Imre Zoltán Nagy
Language for Distributed System of Mobile Agents
Martin Tomášek
Prediction of Seismic Performance of Cylindrical Steel Tanks Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
Mehran S. Razzaghi, Alireza Mohebbi
An Approach for the Empirical Validation of Software Complexity Measures
Sanjay Misra
Historical Origin of the Fine Structure Constant, Part II
Péter Várlaki, Imre J. Rudas, László T. Kóczy