Volume 8
Issue Number 3
Issue on Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Guest Editors: Magda Komorníková, Martin Stepnicka
In this issue
Magda Komorníková, Martin Stepnicka
Discrete Duality Finite Volume Scheme for the Curvature-driven Level Set Equation
Dana Kotorová
A Dynamic Model of a Small Open Economy Under Flexible Exchange Rates
Petra Medveďová
Testing of Markov Assumptions Based on the Dynamic Specification Test
Jana Lenčuchová
Modelling of the Dependence Structure of Regime-Switching Models' Residuals Using Autocopulas
Anna Petričková
A Note on Large Cayley Graphs of Diameter Two and Given Degree
Mária Ždímalová
On the Application of the Fuzzified Choquet Integral to Multiple Criteria Evaluation
Iveta Bebčáková, Pavel Holeček, Jana Talašová
Multicriteria Decision Making and Rankings Based on Aggregation Operators
Lucia Vavríková
Academic Staff Performance Evaluation – Variants of Models
Jan Stoklasa, Jana Talašová, Pavel Holeček
Fuzzy Sets in HR Management
Blanka Zemková, Jana Talašová