Volume 3
Issue Number 2
In this issue
Neural Network Linearization of Pressure Force Sensor Transfer Characteristic
Jozef Vojtko, Irena Kovácová, Ladislav Madarász, Dobroslav Kovác
Torque Ripple Calculation of the Two-phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Supplied by a Triac Converter
Pavel Záskalický, Mária Záskalická
Time and Memory Profile of a Process Functional Program
Ján Kollár, Jaroslav Porubän, Peter Václavík
Embedded Fuzzy Controller for Industrial Applications
Ferenc Farkas, Sándor Halász
Coping with Security in Programming
Frank Schindler
The Statics of the Traditional Hungarian Composite Reflex Bow
Sándor Horváth, Géza Körtvélyesi, László Legeza
Robust Crane Control
Marek Hicár, Juraj Ritók
Level Crossing Probabilities of the Ornstein - Uhlenbeck Process
József Dénes
A Bagging Method using Decision Trees in the Role of Base Classifiers
Kristína Machová, Frantisek Barcák, Peter Bednár
Developed Physical Detection-Possibilities of Chemical Agents
Tibor Kovács