Volume 13
Issue Number 4
In this issue
Study of Direct Bonding of Ceramic and Metallic Materials with Zn4Al Solder
Roman Koleňák, Igor Kostolný
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.1
Study of the Stabilization of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Controlled by State Feedback
Amira Gharbi, Mohamed Benrejeb and Pierre Borne
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.2
Breast Tumor Computer-aided Diagnosis using Self-Validating Cerebellar Model Neural Networks
Jian-sheng Guan, Lo-Yi Lin, Guo-li Ji, Chih-Min Lin, Tien-Loc Le, Imre J. Rudas
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.3
Ontology Evaluation Based on the Visualization Methods, Context and Summaries
Kristína Machová, Jozef Vrana, Marián Mach, Peter Sinčák
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.4
An Alternative Method in Optimizing Random Outcomes
Sándor Molnár, Ferenc Szidarovszky
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.5
An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Spinal Cords
Monika Ratajczak, Marek Malinowski, Romuald Będziński
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.6
Cogging Torque Reduction by Magnet Pole Pairing Technique
Szilárd Jagasics, István Vajda
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.7
Effects of Increasing the Power of Retail Chains on Competitive Position of Producers
Stipe Lovreta, Jelena Končar, Ljiljana Đ. Stanković
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.8
Decision Making Process of Hexapods in a Model of Complex Terrains
Vladimir Socha, Patrik Kutilek, Alexandr Stefek, Lubos Socha, Jakub Schlenker, Karel Hana
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.9
Modeling and Prediction of the end of Life Vehicles Number Distribution in Serbia
Miroslav D. Sokić, Ilija B. Ilić, Vaso D. Manojlović, Branislav R. Marković, Zvonko P. Gulišija, Milan D. Pavlović, Nada D. Štrbac
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.10
Application of Potentials in the Description of Transport Processes
Katalin Gambár, Marianna Lendvay, Rita Lovassy, József Bugyjás
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.11
Extending System Capabilities with Multimodal Control
Gregor Rozinaj, Marek Vančo, Ivan Minárik, Ivan Drozd, Renata Rybárová
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.12
An Extension of Maximal Covering Location Problem based on the Choquet Integral
Aleksandar Takači, Ivana Štajner-Papuga, Darko Drakulić, Miroslav Marić
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.13
Improving Automation and Process Control of an Indirect Gravure (pad) Printing Machine
Arash Hakimi Tehrani, Edgar Dörsam, Jann Neumann
DOI: 10.12700/APH.13.4.2016.4.14