Volume 14
Issue Number 3
Special Issue on Computational Intelligence
Guest Editors: Ildar Batyrshin, Alexander Gelbukh, Grigori Sidorov
In this issue
Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue on Computational Intelligence
Ildar Batyrshin, Alexander Gelbukh, Grigori Sidorov
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.1
Selecting and Weighting Users in Collaborative Filtering-based POI Recommendation
Carlos Ríos, Silvia Schiaffino, Daniela Godoy
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.2
Bipolar Rating Scales: A Survey and Novel Correlation Measures Based on Nonlinear Bipolar Scoring Functions
Ildar Batyrshin, Fernando Monroy-Tenorio, Alexander Gelbukh, Luis Alfonso Villa-Vargas, Valery Solovyev, Nailya Kubysheva
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.3
Authorship Attribution in Portuguese Using Character N-grams
Ilia Markov, Jorge Baptista, Obdulia Pichardo-Lagunas
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.4
Algorithm for Extraction of Subtrees of a Sentence Dependency Parse Tree
Juan-Pablo Posadas-Durán, Grigori Sidorov, Helena Gómez-Adorno, Ildar Batyrshin, Elibeth Mirasol-Mélendez, Gabriela Posadas-Durán, Liliana Chanona-Hernández
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.5
Automatic Generation of Summary Obfuscation Corpus for Plagiarism Detection
Sabino Miranda-Jiménez, Efstathios Stamatatos
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.6
Automatic Detection of Semantic Primitives with Multi-Objective Bioinspired Algorithms and Weighting Algorithms
Obdulia Pichardo-Lagunas, Grigori Sidorov, Alexander Gelbukh, Nareli Cruz-Cortés, Alicia Martínez-Rebollar
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.7
Semantic Approach for Discovery and Visualization of Academic Information Structured with OAI-PMH
Joanna Alvarado-Uribe, Arianna Becerril García, Miguel Gonzalez-Mendoza, Rafael Lozano Espinosa, José Martín Molina Espinosa
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.8
An Edge Detection Method using a Fuzzy Ensemble Approach
Ernesto Moya-Albor, Hiram Ponce, Jorge Brieva
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.9
An Intelligent System for the Diagnosis of Skin Cancer on Digital Images taken with Dermoscopy
Heydy Castillejos-Fernández, Omar López-Ortega, Félix Castro-Espinoza, Volodymyr Ponomaryov
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.10
Customer Analysis via Video Analytics: Customer Detection with Multiple Cues
Tatpong Katanyukul, Jiradej Ponsawat
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.11
Use of Machine Learning to Analyze and – Hopefully – Predict Volcano Activity
Justin Parra, Olac Fuentes, Elizabeth Anthony, Vladik Kreinovich
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.12
Clustering of Metagenomic Data by Combining Different Distance Functions
Isis Bonet, Adriana Escobar, Andrea Mesa-Múnera, Juan Fernando Alzate
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.13
Gaussian and Cauchy Functions in the Filled Function Method – Why and What Next: On the Example of Optimizing Road Tolls
José Guadalupe Flores Muniz, Vyacheslav V. Kalashnikov, Vladik Kreinovich, Nataliya Kalashnykova
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.14
External Disturbances Rejection by Differential Single-Mass Vibratory Gyroscope
Valerii V. Chikovani, Olha A. Sushchenko, Hanna V. Tsiruk
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.3.2017.3.15