Volume 14
Issue Number 8
In this issue
Fuzzy Model-based Design of a Transparent Controller for a Time Delayed Bilateral Teleoperation System Through State Convergence
Umar Farooq, Jason Gu, Mohamed E. El-Hawary, Valentina E. Balas, Muhammad Usman Asad, Ghulam Abbas
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.8.2017.8.1
Internet-based Bilateral Teleoperation Using a Revised Time-Domain Passivity Controller
Lőrinc Márton, Zoltán Szántó, Tamás Haidegger, Péter Galambos, József Kövecses
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.8.2017.8.2
A Hardware Platform for Frequency Domain Spectroscopy and Frequency Response Analysis
Jan Tomlain, Ondrej Teren, Radek Sedlacek, Josef Vedral
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.8.2017.8.3
Factors Determining the Development of Business Relationships in the Advertising Market
Erika Seres-Huszárik, László Józsa, Zsuzsanna Tóth
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.8.2017.8.4
A Contribution to Software Development Quality Management
Vidan Marković, Zora Konjović
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.8.2017.8.5
The X and Y Generations’ Characteristics Comparison
Anita Kolnhofer-Derecskei, Regina Zs. Reicher, Agnes Szeghegyi
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.8.2017.8.6
Phase-locked Loop Based on Integrating Scanning Conversion
Maksim Dudkin, Aleksandr Nesterov, Aleksandr Shishkov
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.8.2017.8.7
Modelling the System of Receiving Quick Answers for e-Government Services: Study for the Crime Domain in the Republic of Serbia
Vojkan Nikolić, Branko Markoski, Kristijan Kuk, Dragan Ranđelović, Petar Čisar
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.8.2017.8.8
Modeling Synchronization Problems: From Composed Petri Nets to Provable Linear Sequents
Ján Perháč, Daniel Mihályi, Valerie Novitzká
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.8.2017.8.9
Assessment of the Sensory and Moisturizing Properties of Emulsions with Hemp Oil
Małgorzata Kowalska, Magdalena Wozniak, Magdalena Pazdzior
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.8.2017.8.10
An Experimental Study on the Phase Importance in Digital Processing of Speech Signal
Lazar Tesic, Boban Bondzulic, Milenko Andric, Boban Pavlovic
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.8.2017.8.11
Local Muscular Load Measurement with the Help of a Datalogger
David Tuček, Barbora Dombeková
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.8.2017.8.12
2017 Reviewers
DOI: 10.12700/APH.14.8.2017.8.13