Volume 4
Issue Number 1
Issue on Computational Intelligence, and Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics
Guest Editors: Imre J. Rudas and Peter Sincák
In this issue
High Dynamic Range Image Based on Multiple Exposure Time Synthetization
Annamária R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, András Rövid, Szilveszter Balogh, Takeshi Hashimoto, Yoshifumi Shimodaira
New Design Objective and Human Intent-based Management of Changes for Product Modeling
László Horváth
Edge Detection Model Based on Involuntary Eye Movements of the Eye-Retina System
András Róka, Ádám Csapó, Barna Reskó, Péter Baranyi
Geometric Error Correction in Coordinate Measurement
Gyula Hermann
Navigation of Mobile Robots Using Potential Fields and Computational Intelligence Means
Ján Vascák
P-Graph-based Workflow Modelling
József Tick
Formalizing the Evaluation of OCL Constraints
Gergely Mezei, Tihamér Levendovszky, Hassan Charaf
Perspective Methods and Tools for the Design of Distributed Software Systems Based on Services
Marek Paralic
Deterioration-based Maintenance Management Algorithm
Kornélia Ambrus-Somogyi
Case-based Reasoning in Agent-based Decision Support System
Jolana Sebestyénová