Volume 16
Issue Number 3
In this issue
Characteristics of Thermally Sprayed Nicrbsi Coatings before and after Electromagnetic Induction Remelting Process
Petru Cristian Vălean, Norbert Kazamer, Dragos-Toader Pascal, Roxana Muntean, István Barányi, Gabriela Mărginean, Viorel-Aurel Serban
DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.3.2019.3.1
Potential Therapeutic Modalities of Reawakening Fetal Hemoglobin Simulated by Reaction Systems
Mani Mehraei, Benedek Nagy, Nimet Ilke Akcay, Şükrü Tüzmen
DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.3.2019.3.2
A Chaotic Image Encryption Algorithm Robust against Phase Space Reconstruction Attacks
Jakub Oravec, Ján Turán, Ľuboš Ovseník, Tomáš Huszaník
DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.3.2019.3.3
SEFRA - Web-based Framework Customizable for Serbian Language Search Applications
Mioljub Jovanović, Goran Šimić, Milan Čabarkapa, Dragan Ranđelović, Vojkan Nikolić, Slobodan Nedeljković, Petar Čisar
DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.3.2019.3.4
Optimum Control Parameters of Switched Reluctance Motor for Torque Production Improvement over the Entire Speed Range
Mahmoud Hamouda, László Számel
DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.3.2019.3.5
Parameter Estimation Method for the Unstable Time Delay Process
Radmila Gerov, Zoran Jovanović
DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.3.2019.3.6
Vehicle Dynamic-based Approach for the Optimization of Traffic Parameters of the Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) and for the Support of Autonomous Vehicles’ Driving Ability
Tamás Péter, István Lakatos
DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.3.2019.3.7
Systematic Overview of Password Security Problems
Viktor Taneski, Marjan Heričko, Boštjan Brumen
DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.3.2019.3.8
Motion Detection and Face Recognition using Raspberry Pi, as a Part of, the Internet of Things
Zoltán Balogh, Martin Magdin, György Molnár
DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.3.2019.3.9
The Use of an Adjusted Transportation Model, for Optimizing Provision of International Help, in Case of Emergency Situations
Dalibor Kekić, Miloš Milenković, Aleksandar Čudan
DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.3.2019.3.10
Interdisciplinary Survey of Fault Localization Techniques to Aid Software Engineering
Árpád Beszédes
DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.3.2019.3.11
Modeling the Intuitive Decision-Maker’s Mindset
Jolán Velencei, Ágnes Szeghegyi, Zoltán Baracskai, Beatrix Bókayné Andráskó
DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.3.2019.3.12